The LiveSweep is a 12-volt powered transducer arm that allows you to move the Live View transducer head 320 degrees to refine your view. CAN BE ATTACHED TO MANY TROLLING MOTORS. Choose wireless (+$150) or wired pedals in the options list at checkout.
Choose all options for trolling motor type, port or starboard option (Ultrex Model), Ultrex Quest port or starboard and trolling motor shaft length
The Garmin mount is designed for port or starboard.
The Power Pole ZR mount is designed for port or starboard.
Motorguide Tour Series and Lowrance trolling motors are mounted with a dogleg mount.
The directional arrow does NOT light up.
Can’t mount on your trolling motor – check out our Over the side mounts. We have several options. Comes with wireless remote control on all models.

Livesweep for Kraken Cornfield Fishing Gear
€ 1.970,00 – € 2.217,93 incl. VAT

Live sweep extra remote
€ 55,37 incl. VAT
Livesweep for Terrova Cornfield Fishing Gear
€ 2.044,90 – € 2.217,93 incl. VAT
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